Day of
the Week
Time Period |
per Hour |
Weekdays: From 10 AM to 10 PM Monday
through Friday |
$ 75.00 |
Weeknights: From 10 PM to 10 AM Monday
through Friday |
$ 100.00 |
Weekends: From 10 PM Friday to 10 AM Monday |
$ 100.00 |
Holidays: From 12:00 AM
to 11:59 PM (in other words, the whole day) |
$ 120.00 |
Remote and Off-Site Rates
Day of
the Week
Time Period |
per Hour |
Weekdays: From 10 AM to 10 PM Monday
through Friday |
$ 40.00 |
Weeknights: From 10 PM to 10 AM Monday
through Friday |
$ 50.00 |
Weekends: From 10 PM Friday to 10 AM Monday |
$ 50.00 |
Holidays: From 12:00 AM
to 11:59 PM (in other words, the whole day) |
$ 60.00 |
Rate Services |
Cost |
Data Recovery - $75 per hour for the first three hours,
then $40 per hour for each hour thereafter |
$75 / $40 |
Computer Rebuild (Repartition, Format Hard
Drive to your specifications. Install Operating System, and device
drivers. Install most current Service Pack) |
$ 200.00 |
Computer Rebuild and Reinstall Application
Software (Repartition, Format Hard Drive to your specifications.
Install Operating System, and device drivers. Install most current
Service Pack. Install up to 5 applications suites. For example:
1.) Microsoft Office, 2.) AntiVirus, 3.) Personal Firewall, 4.) Financial
Management, 5.) Graphics Suite) |
$ 300.00 |
Install and/or Configure additional
applications |
See hourly rates above |
Business Off Site Data Storage (See
Off-Site Data Storage page for
more information) |
$5.00 per Gigabyte per Month |
Residential Off Site Data Storage (See
Off-Site Data Storage page for
more information) |
$60.00 per Gigabyte per Year |
Activity Monitoring |
Call for Appointment |
Business Maintenance Contracts |
Hardware Maintenance Contracts Page for more information |
Residential Maintenance Contracts |
Preventive Maintenance and Maintenance Contracts Page for more
information |
TiVo® repair and upgrades
$ 100.00 plus parts |
Anything else not on this list |
E-Mail |